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Mandarin Pronunciation
Welcome To The Pronunciation Course On Mandarhythm!
Hi there! I'm Xinzi. (2:26)
Introduction of Pinyin (2:42)
Basic Tones (4:31)
Neutral Tone & Tone Changes (8:05)
Milestone No.1
Get To Know Your Speaking Instrument (2:51)
What The Initials Are Called (3:57)
Labial Initials: b, p, m, f (5:36)
Alveolar Initials: d, t, n, l (4:11)
Velar Initials: g, k, h (3:52)
Palatal Initials: j, q, x (4:16)
Dental Initials: z, c, s (2:55)
Retroflex Initials: zh, ch, sh, r (2:57)
Summary (3:29)
Milestone No.2
The 3 Types of Finals (4:04)
Simple Finals
a, o, e (3:20)
i, u, ü (7:18)
Compound Finals
What’s a Compound Final (6:11)
ai, uai (2:31)
ia, ua (2:48)
ao, iao (3:02)
ie, üe (5:03)
ei, ui (2:43)
uo; ou,iu (4:08)
Summary (5:29)
Milestone No.3
Nasal Finals
Front: an, uan, ian (6:20)
Front: en, un (2:22)
Front: ün, un (4:05)
Back: “a” Based (4:27)
Back:“e” Based (2:02)
Back: ong, ing (5:13)
Special Case
The Final That Can’t Have Initials (5:49)
Summary of Finals
Summary & Differentiation (2:45)
Milestone No.4
Rules & Patterns
Basic Rules Part1 (3:40)
Basic Rules Part2 (1:45)
Special Rules (4:52)
Flow of Speech
Multiple 3rd Tone Characters In a Row—How to Say It In Speech Flow (12:59)
Tone Change of The Neutral Tone In Speech Flow (5:38)
Tone Change of “一” In Speech Flow (3:59)
Tone Change of “不” In Speech Flow (2:30)
The Secret of Linking Words and Sentences Smoothly: Assimilation&Dissimilation (3:07)
The Secret of Linking Words and Sentences Smoothly: Weakening&Dropping (2:50)
Milestone No.5
Milestone No.3
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